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Thread: Christmas in the Philippines

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Sandra's Avatar
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    Oct 2015

    Default Christmas in the Philippines

    Its already the "Ber" months. No, I am not referring about the beer but the months thats ending with the "ber'. September to December. Its the year of the month that we feel cool breeze. Its the year of the month where some folks would start hanging Christmas decorations. We all have the excuses to start decorating way earlier so we have longer days to enjoy the holiday ambiance that even extended all the way to first week of January. So christmas in the Philippines is way longer in contrast to how other country would. I have a friend who is based in Boston, working as a nurse, telling me the that folks from there would decorate a tree a week before christmas. Here, we do deco clean up after January 6!

    I can say, Philippines is a country where its more fun during "ber" months.
    As early as last month I've started buying gifts and supplies for the festivity. I hate going shopping when everyone is rushing to the malls and super markets. Prices do change with the season. So I start buying gifts when stores are offering discounted items. I have long lines of inaanak and pamangkins, so its only wiser to do tricky when it comes to budget. I speak the same with food supplies. I've already been buying some canned fruits and creams for my fruits salad, they also increase prices a bit higher 2 weeks before christmas.

    So what about you girls, how do you prep up for the holiday?

  2. #2


    Chrismas season in the Philippines is one of the special occasions that I am always looking forward to. Since I am already a bit excited to do some shopping for Christmas, I am now really working way harder so I could be able to buy anything that I want. This Christmas is going to be extra special because this time, I am going to spend it with someone I adore.

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Christmas Day is a special day because it is the birth of Jesus Christ our Saviour and it is the day where there is sharing of love among family, relatives and friends to celebrate the spirit of the holiday season. Every year my whole family are all together during this special day bonding with each other, sharing gifts, eating the festive foods together and most of all going to church all together to hear mass and to greet Jesus Christ on his birthday. Spending Christmas in the Philippines together with our families and love ones is always a memorable one every year which we can cherish in our lifetime.

  4. #4


    Christmas is the grandest event in our home, in my circle, in our office. We decorate our house in the first week of December although the neighbors were putting up theirs much earlier, sometimes in the middle of November. One of our preoccupation during that season is the caroling. We stock up on candies and coins because we would be attacked by battalions of carolers number a hundred or so. And that nightly event would cost us a treasure for the giveaways starting December 16 up to December 24.

    Of course, the gifts for relatives and friends would fill a room. I sometimes wonder how much money we spend for the gifts. And since everybody is happy so we have no complaints on the expenses. Maybe I would post some videos of our Christmas songs by December.

  5. #5
    Junior Member roger1003's Avatar
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    Mar 2016


    Christmas season is the best holiday season I look forward to. This is the time when we will receive gifts, and eat lots of yummy foods. This is also the time when we can see our relatives and have a complete family dining together. We go to the malls to buy groceries, gifts, and toys. To prepare for this season, I file for several days of vacation leaves.

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