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Thread: Minimal Spend on the First Date.

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  1. #1
    Junior Member Lilly's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Minimal Spend on the First Date.

    Going to the cinema may be a good idea for a first date, especially as you have a bit of time where you don't need to make conversation. Then once the film has finished you have something you can talk about. A restaurant is a great idea too for a first date, but these things cost money that not everyone has enough of.

    Do you think it is a good idea for a first date to be virtually no money spent on it at all? Sometimes these dates can be very romantic. I was thinking of a walk along a beach or a forest with a picnic. Or perhaps a museum or art gallery.

    What would your perfect minimal spend first date be?

  2. #2


    The most important on a first date is that we get along with our dating partner, not how much money we can spend. If the date is based on money, I think we are starting on the wrong foot. If we can't afford movies or dinner, we can simply go for a walk in the beach, by the park or in any other locations. Quite a few great free things we can do.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Jam's Avatar
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    Dec 2016


    Funny, my very first date was in a library and it was absolutely free! I wouldn't want to put a cap on the first date or on any date for that matter. A first date can be as simple as strolling in a park or a mall together and just enjoying the experience, getting to know each other, and building shared memories. What's really important is you get to spend time together doing things you both like. We can always share the bill if it gets too costly.
    Last edited by Jam; 12-21-2016 at 08:47 PM.

  4. #4
    Junior Member ShashaCruz's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2017


    first date should be very private so you get to evaluate new partners compatibility with you. so dinner followed by parking car and talking to see if leads to other than talking activity is good idea. avoid crowds on first date.

    Sent from my SM-P555Y using Tapatalk

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