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Thread: US green card

  1. #1

    Default US green card

    In 2007, my father's petition for his children were approved. My father was an American citizen by virtue of his second world war services. My 3 siblings pursued the petition and are now immigrants in the US. And my papers? I declined the petition because I prefer living here in the Philippines. I wouldn't want to leave a comfortable life here in exchange for the dollars.

    What can you say on the issue?

  2. #2
    Junior Member Nancy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    I have happy where I am now. However, I am also under family and friends pressure to apply for US Green Card Lottery. Every year I fill form for US Diversity Visa Lottery, it has been almost 5 years now. I apply for DV not because I want to go to the US, I do this just because my friends and families are doing this. I want to travel to the US and see the country, however, I don't want to live and work there.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Alexandoy View Post
    In 2007, my father's petition for his children were approved. My father was an American citizen by virtue of his second world war services. My 3 siblings pursued the petition and are now immigrants in the US. And my papers? I declined the petition because I prefer living here in the Philippines. I wouldn't want to leave a comfortable life here in exchange for the dollars.

    What can you say on the issue?
    If you like it in the Philippines than why leave?

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