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Thread: Hair extensions in the Philippines

  1. #1

    Default Hair extensions in the Philippines

    How do you get hair extensions in the Philippines? My wife's hair stylist here said she needs a donor. How do we get a hair extension donor?

  2. #2
    Junior Member Margie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    From my understanding, since hair extensions are supposed to feel and look natural a human hair should be used unless you go for a cheaper alternative, that's when synthetic hair comes in.
    There are salons offering this services and they have a ready human hair extensions ready for use which they have bought from the suppliers. You don't necessarily need to ask around for hair donors. But should you know someone with long hair and she's ready for a bob cut, then you can ask her if you can have her hair. Their are salons accepting and processing human hair into wigs and perhaps hair extensions too.

    Hair Shaft ( The last time I checked, their salon is located in Podium Mall in Manadaluyong)offers hair extensions and they really are careful doing it so as to avoid damages to the existing hair.

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Oct 2015


    There are really some women in the Philippines who always want they will look beautiful at all times and having this hair extensions is one of their favorite thing to do to make them more attractive. I knew that most of the salons who are doing this kind of thing used natural hair that they bought from their suppliers like what @Margie had said. I had a friend who had a salon in the Philippines and every time I go home for a vacation in the Philippines I always go to her salon and had my hair some pampering. And there I saw one time she had been doing this thing to a certain customer who wants for a hair extension. And I am just lucky because I have a long black hair that is why I do not need for a hair extension.
    Last edited by ReadmeByAmy; 12-06-2015 at 09:44 PM.

  4. #4


    From what I know, hair extensions are like wigs that is attached to the real hair. However, you cannot just buy hair extension and attach it yourself. On of mmy nieces had one which, she said, was attached in the salon. And it is a long and tedious process so maybe we should not dare do it at home. Her hair extension looked so natural that I did not suspect it to be fake hair. By the way, the hair is not synthetic, it is real hair that’s why it is expensive.

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