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Thread: Should I say yes to him now?

  1. #1

    Default Should I say yes to him now?

    I have been dating this guy for almost 7 months now. We met during high school. He was my classmate from junior to senior high school. He courted me back then, but I didn't give him a chance since I haven't yet moved on from my past relationship. 7 years after high school graduation, he told me I am still his ideal girl, and said he wants to court once again. And now, I couldn't be any happier. He always makes me feel special and secure. However, I am still trying to guard my heart. I don't want to get hurt once more. I don't want another failed relationship. But somehow I know his intentions towards me are pure.

  2. #2


    Only you know how you feel and there is always risk with love. I think the risk is worth it but then again I have had my fair share of broken hearts as well and it does not feel good.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    Oct 2015


    When it comes to having one's heart broken, I have been there and experienced what I would call hell. Five years of killing myself over a guy who found it so easy to walk out on me after all the promises he made and the belief and faith he made me have on him and on love. My world had shattered after this incident. Even today, the fear of that incident haunts me somewhere deep down.

    But has this stopped me from taking chances? No. I kept myself shut for 5 years after our break up. I couldn't imagine myself with another guy, or to hand over my heart to another person and have it broken again. But as time passed, I realized by doing this I'm only denying myself chances that I deserve. So the next time an old childhood friend asked me out to a movie, I went, and we went into a relationship that lasted exactly three months. Why? Because he moved away to study in another university, and he didn't think he could handle long distance. Next year another old school friend got talking to me, doing all he could to break my "no entry" barriers and get me to like him. Well, I did like him, much more than I was comfortable with. Especially since I didn't completely trust his motives. But again, I decided to give love a chance, and he threw it right back at my face. Why? He said he wasn't over his ex yet. And that he was only being "casual" with me, that he didn't think a girl who always kept men out would take his advances seriously. Wow, huh.

    That was it, I told myself. No more guys or anything to do with relationships again until I sort my own life out beautifully. But of course that didn't happen either. Yet another guy came trudging along my path. This time I met him online, someone who lived on the other end of the country, someone who I met through a friend who got interested in him. I don't know how all that followed really came to take place, but happen they did. We communicated over phone and chat for nearly six months. I didn't even know or think that anything would come out of it. And then one fine day he says he wants to visit my city. And so he did, and we met up. And the rest is history. We have been together for two years now. And we love each other to bits. Recently he moved back to another city for a job, and it's long distance for us now. Given my track record of bad relationships, I'm really worried about this getting ruined too. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully everything will turn out well.

    And so to you I will say, give him and yourself a chance. If it's meant to be it will be. If not, at least you will have tried.

  4. #4
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    You said that you had experienced already a failed relationship that is why you are hesitant if you will allow again yourself to enter into a new relationship. Sometimes if we had been broken hearted in the past we always had this worries but I think it depends how you are feeling for this guy if you will give him a chance to prove his real intentions for you. Only you can decide on this and just make the right decision for yourself.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Dana View Post
    When it comes to having one's heart broken, I have been there and experienced what I would call hell. Five years of killing myself over a guy who found it so easy to walk out on me after all the promises he made and the belief and faith he made me have on him and on love. My world had shattered after this incident. Even today, the fear of that incident haunts me somewhere deep down.

    But has this stopped me from taking chances? No. I kept myself shut for 5 years after our break up. I couldn't imagine myself with another guy, or to hand over my heart to another person and have it broken again. But as time passed, I realized by doing this I'm only denying myself chances that I deserve. So the next time an old childhood friend asked me out to a movie, I went, and we went into a relationship that lasted exactly three months. Why? Because he moved away to study in another university, and he didn't think he could handle long distance. Next year another old school friend got talking to me, doing all he could to break my "no entry" barriers and get me to like him. Well, I did like him, much more than I was comfortable with. Especially since I didn't completely trust his motives. But again, I decided to give love a chance, and he threw it right back at my face. Why? He said he wasn't over his ex yet. And that he was only being "casual" with me, that he didn't think a girl who always kept men out would take his advances seriously. Wow, huh.

    That was it, I told myself. No more guys or anything to do with relationships again until I sort my own life out beautifully. But of course that didn't happen either. Yet another guy came trudging along my path. This time I met him online, someone who lived on the other end of the country, someone who I met through a friend who got interested in him. I don't know how all that followed really came to take place, but happen they did. We communicated over phone and chat for nearly six months. I didn't even know or think that anything would come out of it. And then one fine day he says he wants to visit my city. And so he did, and we met up. And the rest is history. We have been together for two years now. And we love each other to bits. Recently he moved back to another city for a job, and it's long distance for us now. Given my track record of bad relationships, I'm really worried about this getting ruined too. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Hopefully everything will turn out well.

    And so to you I will say, give him and yourself a chance. If it's meant to be it will be. If not, at least you will have tried.
    Wow. Thank you so much for sharing me your story. I am so glad to hear that you have finally found the right guy for you. Anyway, yes, I think it's already time for me to get into a relationship now.

  6. #6


    That 7 months is already a lifetime when it comes to dating. What I mean is you would already know the true personality of the guy and vice versa. And if you are comfortable with your friendly relationship now I would say that you will be more comfortable once you take him into your heart. Love is something that cannot be fully explained, it is just a matter of feeling, like groping in the dark of wading in the water. Just go where your heart dictates you and throw caution into the wind. Remember, life is short so enjoy it while it lasts. And lastly, do not seek for a perfect relationship, much more a perfect guy because life is not a fairy tale.

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