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Thread: What do you look for in a man?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    Oct 2015

    Default What do you look for in a man?

    This seems like an easy question but, if you think about it, it actually isn't. In my teenage phase, up to the late years, I wanted my boyfriend to be good looking, smart, into sports, adventurous, and all the typical characteristics of a romantic comedy hero. Now that I've become a little older, and more experienced in the matter of the heart, my needs have changed completely. While it wouldn't hurt to have a man who is all of the above, I now need something in him that is much deeper and lasting. The thing that I look for most in the men I've dated is honesty, sincerity and genuineness. These are the qualities that help me form a connection with him that goes far beyond mere physical attraction.

    The guy I first fell in love with was sincere and passionate and knew how to love like a chivalrous romance novel hero. But his dishonesty drew him out eventually. It was the most heartbreaking thing to ever happen in my life. Since then, I've learnt my lesson well.

    What are things that you look for in a man?

  2. #2


    I never had a serious relationship before. I fell in love with a guy from my high school, and we had some sort of a mutual understanding, but since we were just kids back then, it never became like a serious thing. After that, I have never been into any relationship again. Right now though, I am dating a new guy from my high school again. And he's everything a girl could ask for in a man. He's very nice, gentleman, responsible, caring, loving, and I always feel secure with him. I will be saying yes to him soon. :)

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Oct 2015


    I married my husband because he had all the qualities I am looking for in a man who will be my partner for life. He is already matured in his views in life, a hardworking and good provider, a great conversationalist, responsible and a family man, had a good physical appearance and a nice personality traits. Women had different criteria when it comes to what they are looking for in a man and we should respect each other perspective when it comes to that. And I do hope all women out there who are still searching for their Mr. Right may find him soon. :)
    Last edited by ReadmeByAmy; 11-03-2015 at 09:04 AM.

  4. #4


    Hmm, you are right. This looks like an easy question but too difficult to answer.

    Maybe I can describe my husband on this. I want a man who gives me full attention all the time, not one who is always daydreaming as if not hearing what I was saying. He should also hard working because a lazy man is no good as a husband and father to our kids. Of course, a good conversationalist is important so our life together will not be boring. Maybe I want a handsome one and rich if possible. We cannot live by love alone, we also need bread… that’s spelled money.

  5. #5
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    Mar 2016


    Fun, jokes and some support I guess. If he has mutual interests as me, it would be good too.
    But my main things are respect and some funny side, around me and my family you have to be full of jokes and be a funny person.

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