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Thread: "First Impression" on your first date

  1. #1
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Oct 2015

    Default "First Impression" on your first date

    Like what other people are saying "You never get a second chance to create a first impression". Women had different experiences on their first date either it is a good or a not interesting first date. As a Pinay girl how important is a "first impression" on your first date for you to continue to know more about a guy after your first meeting and conversations? How this thing is very essential to you?

  2. #2


    I went on a date with a guy 8 months ago. I really prepared myself for that date. I wore a dress, I put my make-up on, I used my favorite shoes, etc. I was quite excited to see this guy for the first time because I felt somehow attracted to him even though we've only been chatting through Facebook. However, when that day finally came, he showed up late. He also looked like he had just gotten out of bed. He was only wearing slippers as well. I was very much disappointed. After that night, I have never contacted him again. That's quite unacceptable for me.

  3. #3


    What I usually wear on my first date is my favorite clothes and I see to it that I also wear a classy perfume. And not to forget, I would take a bath and let the soap linger on my body for 2 minutes. That would result in a pleasant scent when I perspire. So even if you don't apply deodorant, when you have taken a good bath with the lingering soap, you would be okay. That would help you project a good impression. But for the other party, I guess all you need to determine is the same - the clothes he wear, his scent if possible.

  4. #4
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Uh, uh I am really bad at first impressions because I get the impression and if it's bad I rarely to try get to know him better.
    As in my first impression are trying to be humble and calm, a person who listens to you.

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