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Thread: Does age matter?

  1. #11


    I think age is only a number and doesn't matter if you are compatible.

  2. #12


    What about a young foreigner with an older local girl? is that something that would be seen socially wrong? I'm just wondering, not that I have a thing for older ladies, is more that I don't think age should matter that much. I have been in both good and bad relationships with younger and older woman and I can say age is a factor for sure when it comes to going to the next level. But to have fun its all good.

  3. #13
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    Well, it really depends on the ones in the relationship.
    And also when you are an adult, say after 30 it doesn't really matters if you are dating a 35 year old, or a 50 or 40 years old. But being under 25 and seeing older men can really ask questions.

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