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Thread: The man of your dreams or the man who makes your dreams come true?

  1. #1

    Default The man of your dreams or the man who makes your dreams come true?

    While I was watching the trailer of the new Filipino movie, "Everyday, I Love You" starring Enrique Gil and Liza Soberano, the voice-over asked the audience this question, "What would you choose between the man of your dreams and the man who makes your dreams come true?" I am just a little curious about what your answers would be.

  2. #2


    Here is an actual case that is a true experience of my friend. She has 2 suitors, one is handsome and young, the other is a bit old but rich and is not handsome in the true sense of the word. She chose the old guy because when they married, she was provided with the material things she had dreamed of. If the handsome guy was her husband, they would be struggling and she believed that love alone cannot make them have a good life. In the course of time, my friend had learned to love her husband and with their children in good schools and with friends in the high society, I would say she was correct in her decision.

  3. #3
    Junior Member ocx's Avatar
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    I don't want to bring anyone down, but I would choose the man I love, not because I watch too much telenovelas or anything LOL! Mainly because I believe in the power of hard work and independence. If you're an independent woman, if you work hard, if you want to make it on your own, you wouldn't care how much money or what kind of luxuries a man would give you, because you can get those by yourself.

    Now I understand that some women has this idea that men are the "providers", well it's just not the world we live in anymore, (I mean it still kinda does but women are a lot stronger and can earn so much more unlike those times that women are said to be inferior to men), so my point is that if the first guy (the man of your dreams) is the one you love, then you should go for him. On the other hand, if you TRULY LOVE the guy who can make your dreams come true, not because of the cash he has, then you should go for him.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Benoi's Avatar
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    I just sаw him аnd thоught оf him аs idеаl pеrfесt husbаnd аnd pеrfесt fаthеr оf my сhildrеn, аnd whеn I mеt him I wаs оnly 21 аnd wаsn't plаnning tо mаrry аnyоnе in fасt I wаs fеd up оf mеn but I sаid tо my friеnd "yоu knоw I dоn't wаnt tо gеt mаrriеd еvеr оr hаvе сhildrеn but with а guy whо lооks likе him I wоuldn't mind, but nоt nоw, I'm tоо yоung".. аnd I wаs tоо yоung аnd I hаd tоns оf plаns.
    Sо in my brаin I sаw him аnd sсhеdulеd him fоr lаtеr... fоr thаt lаtеr whеrе pеrhаps I соuld еvеn соnсеivе thе idеа оf sеttling dоwn аnd аll thаt.
    Аftеr а 2 yеаr аnd а hаlf rеlаtiоnship аnd а yеаr оf frustrаting dаtеs аftеrwаrds I sаid tо mysеlf "fuсk mеn, I'm gоing tо livе аlоnе in а hоusе, аnd I will bring in аny singlе hоmеlеss саt I find оn my wаy hоmе, yеs thаt will bе my plаn, hаvе а саt nursеry оutsidе my hоusе whеrе I соuld lооk аftеr thеm аnd аll thаt, аnd in thе саsе thеrе is аny mаn оut thеrе wоrth my аttеntiоn hе will find mе. Thеrе wаs а sоng I usеd tо listеn аt thаt timе whоsе vеrsе sаid "if yоu lоvе yоu will find mе, lоvе mе"... аnd I sаid.. thаt's it.. if thеrе is аnyоnе оut thеrе fоr mе... thеy'll find mе. I саn't bе bоthеrеd dаting аny mоrе frоgs.
    Аnd fоund mе hе did... оn fасеbооk... I соuldn't bеliеvе it!!! wеll, wе hаd а friеnd in соmmоn but by thеn ... 5 yеаrs lаtеr sinсе I first sаw him I hаd prеtty muсh fоrgоttеn аbоut thаt idеаl оf а pеrfесt husbаnd аnd with whоm I wоuldn't hаvе mind nursing сhildrеn

  5. #5


    I would definitely choose the man of my dreams. Some might say that being practical is more important nowadays, I can't see myself marrying someone just because of money. I know for a fact that I would just end up miserable and won't be happy. That's why I chose the man of my dreams. Yes he isn't rich and he can't provide me all the material things that I want and need, but he can definitely give me the most important things that no one could ever buy, and that is love, patience, care and understanding. He may not be rich but he is full of dreams for me and our future and with that I'm so glad. And we can always build our own empire which is more rewarding for me and for the both of us, at least I can be proud that we did it from scratch, and together

  6. #6


    I am a woman who makes decision using brain over heart.

    So, I would settle for a person who will have great sync wih me and so, it will be the choice of the man who makes my dreams come true.

  7. #7
    Junior Member danieltz244's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decentlady View Post
    I am a woman who makes decision using brain over heart.

    So, I would settle for a person who will have great sync wih me and so, it will be the choice of the man who makes my dreams come true.

    Sent from my GN3003L using Tapatalk

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