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Thread: Learning a New Language

  1. #1
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Default Learning a New Language

    If you are a Pinay girl with a foreign boyfriend or spouse do you think it is that important or it is necessary to learn their language? In a love relationship between two people coming from different nationality having a common language is very important in order to avoid that communication barriers in the relationship. Based on my own experience I had a foreign husband and the first thing that I did when I settled already in their country is I study their language because their country is a Non English speaking country that is why I should really be the one to adjust myself when it comes to that thing. Although my husband is good in English because he studied in other country still I make it sure that I must learn their language so that I can adapt myself in communicating with the people living here.

    How about you? What are your thoughts when it comes to learning a new language if you are having a relationship with a foreign man?

  2. #2


    Absolutely. Communication is one of the most important factors in any kind of relationship, specially if it's a romantic one. If your partner is a foreigner, you have to put some effort and time in learning their language, as well as their culture. Vice versa, your partner should also do the same thing.

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    And one thing learning a new language is not only essential if you are having a relationship with a foreign man or if your husband is a foreigner. It you will also benefit from this because you will learn and know another language aside from your mother tongue and it is a great accomplishment too on your part and another knowledge of learning.

  4. #4


    I have some friends who are abroad and are married to foreigners. One is in England and that is not much of a problem because Filipinos are generally good in English. The one in Japan had to learn Nihonggo before going to Japan for the marriage because, the husband said, speaking in Nihonggo is one rule in their family. Although it is expensive, that friend had enrolled in a tutorial class for conversational Japanese. Now she speaks like a Japanese. She told me that learning a language is difficult at first but it gets easier when you get the hang of it.

  5. #5
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    Learning a new language, especially If you are in a bilingual relationship is really important, in my opinion.
    And also it is fun a lot more way to communicate.

  6. #6
    Junior Member roger1003's Avatar
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    Yes, that is absolutely necessary. Language means communication, and communication is everything in a relationship. Two people who are in love have miscommunications even if they share the same language, I can just imagine if the two have different languages. If you love each other, learning each other's language naturally. Furthermore, additional language is a skill and asset. If you're asking if you should learn the language? My answer is, why not?

  7. #7
    Junior Member Roberta's Avatar
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    I think оf lеаrning а lаnguаgе а bit likе сlimbing а mоuntаin (а lаrgе but еаsy mоuntаin, thе sоrt thаt аnyоnе саn сlimb sо lоng аs thеy kееp gоing).
    Hеrе's whаt mоst tеасhеrs wоn't tеll yоu: It tаkеs 500+ hоurs оf study & prасtiсе tо rеасh fluеnсy in Frеnсh (unlеss yоu аlrеаdy spеаk аnоthеr lаtin-bаsеd lаnguаgе - а sо-саllеd rоmаnсе lаnguаgе). Think аbоut this. If (sаy) yоu lеаrn 1 hоur оf Frеnсh pеr wееk, thеn in fоrty wееks yоu'll dо 50 hоurs. Yоu'll nееd fiftееn yеаrs аt thаt rаtе tо bесоmе fluеnt, nоt соunting аll thе stuff yоu fоrgеt bесаusе оf thе gаps bеtwееn study. (Hаrdеr lаnguаgеs likе Russiаn оr Mаndаrin саn tаkе 1.300 hоurs!)
    аt thе оthеr еxtrеmе, if yоu study rеаlly intеnsivеly, yоu саn rасk up 50 hоurs in оnе wееk! It's pоssiblе (but nоt guаrаntееd) tо асhiеvе fluеnсy in tеn tо twеlvе wееks аt thаt rаtе. Mоst pеоplе dоn't hаvе thе spаrе timе tо givе thаt lеvеl оf intеnsity, but undеrstаnding thе jоurnеy hеlps yоu bе rеаlistiс аbоut whаt yоu саn асhiеvе sо yоu wоn't gеt dеmоtivаtеd.

  8. #8
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    I think it is absolutely necessary to learn your significant others language. It's hard enough communicating as it is. When you cannot communicate efficiently with your significant other, it's very hard to understand where they stand in life. It would be difficult to understand their dreams and aspirations. I would hate to not be able to communicate with the person I love, regardless of how much physical contact there was. What happens when you become lonely and need someone to talk to? What happens if you are having a medical issue that needs to be addressed? It's so important to be able to communicate.

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