No two creatures are equal. Evolution has made it such that each of us have something higher, better, bigger than the other. The beautiful part is, that this helps in balancing the equation between all living things.
The whole debate between which of the two biological genders is "superior" began with the cave humans, when the women were often left behind to tend to the children and look after the homes while the men went hunting. This was probably so, because women gave birth, and it seemed natural that they would look after them - the giver of birth, the nurturer. And since then, traditionally speaking, women have been relegated to the household while their counterparts go out into the world and rule it. Had the scene been different when we started out, things would possibly not have been so.
Today, I don't think any educated person will agree that men are superior to women. Superior how? They might be stronger, physically. But women have far greater endurance than men. When it comes to intelligence, both have shown us by example how powerful each is. The only reason we STILL have more men in the different career fields showing their bravado is because it takes a lot of strength for women to break through the age long taboos and traditions that have ruled that women should stay indoors, to actually break those barriers and step into the so called "world of men". Speaking very generally, most women are by nature more gentle and caring I believe, which makes them more suited to certain kind of careers. That doesn't mean they can't do that or be that which demands strength and toughness. At the end of the day, both genders are human beings. In a balanced and honest world, both men and women would be seen as deserving of each other's respect and support for their strengths and achievements.