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  1. #1
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    Default Sex on the first date?

    Somehow I've always been wary of going into a physical relationship with someone too soon. My past relationships, I have always waited to see if the person I'm with would be trust worthy enough for me to get intimate with him. My first relationship, which was back in school, I didn't sleep with by ex even after we dated for almost 7 months. While some may call this prudish behavior, I find it hard to have sex with a man unless and until I connect with him on some stronger level.

    Then again, when my present boyfriend and I met for the first time, we did get physical. I don't know how, but instinctively I felt like he could be trusted and that he would respect and hold the bond, whatever little it was at that starting point.

    What are your personal views on this? If you were attracted to someone, would you go to bed with him on the first date?

  2. #2
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    In the old generation this thing is not happening that much but in our modern society today where women had already became liberated in terms of physical, emotional and mentally they are doing this kind of thing in their own ways and views in life..

    But from my own own point of view I am proud to say that I had not done this before I got married and I knew that I had made the right thing.

  3. #3


    That's a no-no to me - sex on the first date. No matter if you are intimate in your online chatting or in texting, the first date is a camouflage of sorts. That means you are not showing your true personality so it is foolish to be that intimate. What if your date happens to be hiv positive? Are you willing to suffer the consequences of getting sick? Pardon me but having sex on the first date is the habit of a maniac.

  4. #4


    I have already dated a few men in my life, and I have never thought about sleeping with them right after our first date. I am a Christian, and until now, I am proud to say that I still have my purity. :)

  5. #5
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=missbookworm;160]I have already dated a few men in my life, and I have never thought about sleeping with them right after our first date. I am a Christian, and until now, I am proud to say that I still have my purity. :)[/QUOTE]

    I had gone through some personal struggle too, after sleeping with my present boyfriend on our first date. But then I had known him for a long enough time, and the date was only our first official "romantic" meeting. We've been together for 2 years now and are going beautifully steady. On hindsight, I think everything happened for a reason.

    There's something I would like to know, though. Would you say that those who have lost their virginity are impure? What if the two people concerned are genuinely and deeply in love, and do end up getting physical before marriage. Would that be considered wrong? If yes, how does a legal arrangement like marriage sanction the act to be pure?

    I'm sorry if I'm asking too many questions! You see my boyfriend is Catholic too, but I belong to another religion. I'm just trying to understand the different perspectives :)

  6. #6


    I am reminded of our former housemaid who is separated from her husband with 3 children who are all living with her parents. Now this girl came to Manila to work but not for the money but for the independence. She has many textmates and Facebook friends and she admitted that she was dating some of them during her day off from her work with us. In one casual chat, she told me that she had sex with 2 of those online boyfriends – one is a carpenter and another is a jobless man. She said she is doing that for sheer fun. I didn’t know how to react so I just smiled at her. What’s on my mind is that she’s gone too far anyway, having kids already so maybe she can enjoy her life. That’s much better than being a prostitute.

  7. #7
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    I like your viewpoint, very much!

    Yes, it all depends on the situation and people in it. You connect with someone for the first time, others feel like just good friends after longer times gone by.
    It is your decision and no one should be critical for it.

  8. #8
    Junior Member Benoi's Avatar
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    I'll sаy thе sаmе thing I аlwаys sаy in rеspоnsе tо thеsе quеstiоns аsking if sоmеthing is "оkаy": Оkаy with whоm?

    Yоu аlrеаdy knоw sоmе pеоplе wоuld disаpprоvе оf this. Yоu prоbаbly knеw оthеrs wоuld аpprоvе оf it. Sо nоw yоu'll gеt а bunсh оf rаndоm pеоplе tеlling yоu whiсh саmp thеy'rе in. Hоw dоеs thаt hеlp yоu?

    Yоu hаvе tо figurе оut yоur оwn sеxuаl еthiсs аnd dесidе fоr yоursеlf whаt yоu think is аnd is nоt оkаy. Yоu саn fоllоw а sеt оf rulеs sоmеоnе еlsе саmе up with, likе rеligiоus guidеlinеs, оr yоu саn dеvеlоp yоur оwn.

    Pеrsоnаlly, I vаluе соnsеnt аnd соmpаssiоn, whiсh mеаns I sее nо mоrаl prоblеm with sеx оn thе first dаtе аs lоng аs еvеrybоdy's оkаy with it. Аs а prасtiсаl mаttеr, I try tо limit my sеxuаl асtivitiеs оn thе first dаtе. I'd rаthеr gеt tо knоw thе pеrsоn а bit bеttеr аnd disсuss sаfеr sеx аnd sо оn bеfоrе rubbing аll оur bits tоgеthеr

  9. #9
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    I don't think I would be able to handle having sex with someone on a first date. Sex is a very intimate act and in order for me to be intimate with someone, I need to know them fairly well. I can't imagine getting to know someone in the span of a few hours. I just don't feel comfortable having sex with someone on the first date. I don't judge others for doing so, though. It's just not for me.

  10. #10
    Junior Member Terry's Avatar
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    Nоt thаt I fоllоw my оwn аdviсе but I wоuld rесоmmеnd аgаinst it оn thе first dаtе fоr mаny rеаsоns.
    Hаving sеx tоо fаst will mаkе оnе pеrsоn fееl rushеd еmоtiоnаlly. аnd it саn push thе rеlаtiоnship tоо fаst withоut а сlеаr dirесtiоn. Sо yоu run intо fаr mоrе snаgs in thе bеginning. If thе sеx is gооd, yоu еnd up оvеrlооking things thаt yоu nоrmаlly wоuld nоt.
    аnd sеx is nеvеr аs gооd if yоu hаvе it tоо sооn bесаusе yоu dо nоt yеt hаvе thе аddеd dimеnsiоn оf аn еmоtiоnаl bоnd. аnd thаt саn bе spоliеd by rushing tоо fаst.

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