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Thread: Do you celebrate milestones in your relationship?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    Default Do you celebrate milestones in your relationship?

    I know most people who are married do celebrate their anniversaries in whatever way that brings them joy. I'm sure I would love to do the same after I've tied the knot. But what about when you weren't married or for those in a relationship that are yet to get married? Did/do you mark things like the first day you spoke to him, or the first time you kissed, or the day he asked you out, or monthly/quarterly anniversaries, etc. ? How do usually celebrate these special occasions?

    My boyfriend and I don't necessarily celebrate such days but we do remember them, and talk about them nostalgically. They hold very special places in our hearts, and whether we celebrate it or not, we never fail to remember them. Yearly anniversaries, though, we do make it "special" by cooking together, going for a movie or dinner and just absorbing the old feeling of falling in love again! :)

    How do you celebrate the special days?

  2. #2


    I probably would. Here in the Philippines, couples are fond of celebrating their monthsary, the date when the girl said yes to a guy for a relationship. The men would often buy/send their girlfriends flowers during this occasion. They would also set a dinner date together, or go on an out of town trip.

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Actually me and my husband do not celebrate monthly anniversaries but yearly anniversary only and we are just keeping it as a simple celebration only by cooking at home when we have the time or by just simply eating in a restaurant. We seldom go to travel for celebrating our anniversary. And I do not like that he will buy expensive gifts because I am the kind of woman who is not materialistic. I rather tell him to save the money that he will use for buying to add up to our savings. For me celebrating anniversaries should not be that expensive or with too much preparation what is important is we are happy together to spend more anniversaries to come into our life.

  4. #4


    I would love to celebrate a milestone just like what I see in the social media – monthsary and weeksary. But my husband is against the idea. He always says that it is better not to count the years but to enjoy them. And since I believe in him, we are having a blissful life for the more than 20 years of our relationship. Our only reason in our lovelife is the love that should be expressed in actions and not in words.

  5. #5
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    Not strictly, like weeks or months but it is nice to think and look back to the time spent together, right?
    I do not think it is necessity to always commemorate the milestone but it can be a fun date night.

  6. #6
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    I rarely celebrate milestones in my relationship. The only thing I find myself celebrating is birthdays and very seldom our yearly anniversary. Majority of the time, I forget that our anniversary has passed and we do something days or sometimes weeks later. I don't understand the point in celebrating, really. It's honestly just an excuse for me to go out and have a good time with the one I love.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Benoi's Avatar
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    Hе's еithеr prеtеnding nоt tо саrе оr is busy in sоmе rеаlly impоrtаnt wоrk. Truth bе tоld, guys (mоst оf thеm) hаrdly tаkе suсh things likе аnnivеrsаry аnd stuff sеriоusly. But thаt rеаlly dоеsn't mеаn yоur guy dоеsn't lоvе yоu, hе dоеs а lоt hе mаy just bе tоо lаzy tо tаkе thе initiаtivе.
    Hоpе thаt hеlpеd.

  8. #8
    Junior Member tpicks's Avatar
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    It's cool to celebrate many years of being together as married couples amidst all the trials and temptations of the past years. It's disappointing when so many unions these days hardly make it up to a milestone age celebration due to misunderstandings leading them to separation or break up. I hate seeing single mothers were the father of the child is elsewhere.

  9. #9


    I do celebrate milestones because I feel it's really important to do it to maintain the relationship healthy. Just recently I celebrated 10 years married and we spent 4 days in Amsterdam and it those were really good moments. Once in a while we do need to spend some couple time with romance.

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