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Thread: Is romance still alive?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Dana's Avatar
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    Default Is romance still alive?

    With the world becoming increasingly exposed to stimuli of a million kind at every moment, and the unbridled and open interactions between men and women at clubs and parties, do you think the olden days of sweet romance is dead? Sometimes when I watch old romantic movies, it amuses and amazes me to see the lovers - the coy and shy girl and the persistent man, the coaxing and flower giving, the dances and furtive glances, blushes and the nervousness of being in each other's presence. The quintessential strawberry romance!

    Do you think this sort of thing decreases as we grow out of high school and move towards adulthood? Or is the present generation losing touch with this completely?

  2. #2


    I consider myself old-fashioned. I still like being wooed and serenaded by a man. I still prefer the traditional way of showing your love and affection towards another person. And I am happy that I am currently experiencing these kinds things. My suitor would often visit me at home, and he would bring food, and we would eat together. We would sometimes go out and watch a movie too. These simple things make me really happy, and I believe that chastity ain't dead yet.

  3. #3
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    In some ways I think that the romance is still alive in some love relationships and in their own ways. In my married life me and my husband always see to it that we both had time for each other. We always have fun and laugh together, we always go out together to travel sometimes to the places we both love to visit and the most important is that we never stop loving each other. I think this things are the reason why the romance is still alive in our relationship.

  4. #4


    Like @missbookworm, I’m also old-fashioned and I terribly enjoy sweet talk especially when I am already intimate with my boyfriend. For me, being romantic is making you feel important and the center of his attention. Even just inside the car, we are content in talking about the sun and the moon. It is the manner though that makes it romantic and not really the topic.

  5. #5
    Junior Member MrsS's Avatar
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    Yes, I think romance is still alive in this new generation. But I think the kind of wooing is already different from the older generations. For example, during my time, there was no more serenading done or "harana" in Filipino during courtship unlike the time of my grandparents. Our serenading was done differently like by way of dedicating a song to one's beloved. So I think romance is just shown in different ways from one generation to the next. This generation, my daughter's, seem to do "serenading" by listening to meaningful songs together on an electronic device. Courtship behaviors may have changed but it does not mean there is no more romance.

  6. #6
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    It is, if you keep it alive.

    If you and your partner are romantic kind of people then there are several ways to keep the romance alive. It is really easy to wait the romantic first date and nice gestures but until you dont know each other very well its hard to decide if you partner is the romantic kind or not.

  7. #7
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    Romance is very alive, but you are going to have to do some searching in order to find it. There are tons of people that are still interested in romance. The current generation seems to think that romance is an act done through the internet. I see people making touching posts on instagram more often than doing nice gestures in person. I cannot remember the last time my significant other planned out something romantic. He more so spends his time playing video games and although we go out and have fun, it's never anything romantic. A lot of that has to do with how I handle romance, though. I laugh when someone tries to be romantic with me.

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