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Thread: Getting your heart broken or breaking someone's heart?

  1. #1

    Default Getting your heart broken or breaking someone's heart?

    Which do you think is much worse: getting your heart broken or breaking someone's heart?

    I have already been through both situations in the past. And as for me, it's much worse to get your heart broken by someone you thought would never give up on you.

  2. #2


    Breaking someone's heart didn't cross my mind because I was very selective with a boyfriend. Breaking my heart could happen although I am fortunate not to experience it. The only heart break I can remember is when my crush in college ignored me. Another crush in the office also ignored me. But I was okay with that. Maybe that is the effect of what I saw in my sister when she married so early only to find out that her husband was two-timing her. After she separated, she came back to live with us until she met another guy who became her husband. I remember my sister crying overnight with no letup. It was a pathetic sight.

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