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Thread: Is It Okay To Date More Than One Guy At The Same Time?

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  1. #1
    Junior Member ocx's Avatar
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    Default Is It Okay To Date More Than One Guy At The Same Time?

    In America and other liberated countries, it is acceptable to date more than one guy at the same.

    This begs the question, in a country like Philippines where people are still conservative and are not open to talk publicly if dating multiple people is okay, do you think we should follow other liberated countries in accepting the fact that people can date more than one at a time? If you know no one can judge you, would you date more than one person at a time?

    I wouldn't date two people at a time, not because I think it's disgusting or it's wrong, it's simply because it's not in my personality to date two people at a time. I am a person of focus, so I want to focus on getting to know someone deeply than spend my time just talking to random people I just met. I wouldn't judge anyone who dates a lot of people, as long as the relationship is not in the serious stage yet. I think if things get serious or if you feel that the person is starting to fall for you, and you feel the same, you should stop any other romantic or sexual relationship with all the others, and lastly if you don't know how you feel about that someone yet, it's only fair to tell that someone that you're seeing other people too and go on from there.

    What do you girls think?
    Last edited by ocx; 11-11-2015 at 06:28 AM.

  2. #2


    Since I am a pretty busy woman, I don't think I have the time and energy to date two guys at the same time. However, I don't see anything wrong with dating two guys simultaneously. You're just trying to get to know them anyway, finding out who suits you much better.

  3. #3


    It depends on your definition of dating. There are the so called clean dating to mean the man is only a suitor and not a boyfriend. With that kind of arrangement, I don’t see anything wrong since the woman is not taken yet. But for the other meaning of the term, dating more than 1 guy is not suitable for decent women. Isn’t it scary to go out with another man when you have a boyfriend that you said you love? And it is worse when you have intimacy with your boyfriend because it is like being cheap.

  4. #4
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    Oct 2015


    When I was still single I had never dated more than one guy at the same time. It is not in my personality to do this kind of thing. And one thing for me it is a very complicated thing if you will be dating two guys at the same time. In other westernized country this thing is acceptable but in our country the Philippines most of the woman are still conservative that is why it is still very far that they will accept this style of dating.

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