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Thread: Is Grace Poe a qualified presidential candidate?

  1. #1

    Default Is Grace Poe a qualified presidential candidate?

    Beside the cases thrown to Senator Grace Poe, do you think she is qualified to run for president? If you are the Comelec or a person with authority on the issue, what would you declare of her candidacy? The question now is if she is a natural born Filipino as required by law and the she has the 10-year residency in the Philippines. Barring the proofs and evidences, would you grant her the privilege to run just because you think she is a good president than her opponent? Or would you prefer to disqualify her on the grounds of citizenship and residency?

  2. #2


    I really believe she's qualified to run for presidency in the Philippines. She's currently elected as a senator anyway. However, if you're going to ask me, I am not quite sure if she should run for the presidential position now. I mean, she's not ripe enough to be the leader of this country as of the moment. She should prove herself first.

  3. #3


    Just out a while ago on the radio that the Comelec had disqualified Grace Poe - this is the second time decided by another division. A Comelec division is composed of 3 commissioners to decide on a case. In the first division, the score was 3-0 in favor of disqualification. Today's next division hearing the score is 2-1 in favor of disqualification. That ups the aggregate scoring to 5 for disqualification and 1 for no. In legal parlance, that is already a nail in the coffin so Grace Poe should now go to the Supreme Court to appeal her case. The crux of the matter is her citizenship - she is not a natural-born Filipino simply because she doesn't know her parents.

  4. #4
    Junior Member MrsS's Avatar
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    Based on the law, she cannot run for presidency due to her residency status in the country. But if that is not to be taken, I still believe that she has to serve longer in the senate or other government offices. In my opinion, she is not yet mature and experienced enough to hold the highest post of the land. She has to learn more about Philippine governance and its rudiments. Otherwise, politicians around her can manipulate her or overrule her knowing that she is still inexperienced and lacking in know-how. So on both grounds, she is not qualified for the presidency.

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