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Thread: Knowing the family before a date

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  1. #1

    Default Knowing the family before a date

    When I was in grade school, I would hear my grandmother telling my older sister to let her suitors come to the house so the family will know the guy. And for the first date, that would need the explicit approval of the elders. During that time, that was fine because people seemed to be old fashioned. But in this modern times, I don’t think that is still appropriate because the society is so permissive now.

    How about you, what is your viewpoint on the issue of first date?

  2. #2
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
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    In the western countries this thing does not matter and teenagers go on a first date without knowing by their families. But in the Philippines if they still had their grandparents around who grew up in the old fashioned way of dating and courting then this teenagers should need first the approval of their elders to go on for their first date. But like what you had said that we are now in the modern age and the thinking of our youth as well of their parents had advanced also with the trend of the modern society I think that they are allowed already to go on with their first date even they are not introducing the guy first to their family.

  3. #3


    I think it's really important for suitors to get to know the parents as well, that would somehow prove that their intentions for the girl are pure, and true. However, when it comes to first dates, I don't think there should still be some sort of approval from the elders, specially if the girl is already in the right age.

  4. #4
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    It all depends on the situation.

    If the suitor is a family friends or someone you know for a long time (as a friend or acquaintance) it is easier for him to come around and meet the family before the date.

    But yes, it can be quite embarrassing for a poor guy to introduce himself to every granny.

  5. #5
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    I would find it very odd if I were to be introduced to the family prior to the first date. I don't want to meet family members unless I know there is something between the two of us. I would hate to disappoint the family and make them think that I am hurting their child, if it didn't work out. It's an uncomfortable situation as it is, so it would be even more uncomfortable meeting the family on the first try. I wouldn't even know what to say, other than hello and how are you. If someone asked me to meet their family on a first date, I would more than likely avoid it like the plague.

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