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Thread: Hospitality at home

  1. #1

    Default Hospitality at home

    As part of the Filipino culture, hospitality is one trait that makes our country popular with foreign tourists. Despite the blackeye we received when a cop named Capt. Mendoza ran amok in Rizal Park and took hostage a busload of Hongkong tourists, foreigners are still trusting us. Our beach resorts are still getting high in bookings and hotels are getting good business. I’d say that is all because of our hospitality. Do you still adhere to that hospitality in our culture or have you shed that trait?

  2. #2
    Member ReadmeByAmy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2015


    This cultural trait of hospitality will always be in my heart where ever I am even I am not anymore living in our country. I grew up and lived having this trait that I inherited from my grandparents and parents whom I saw their hospitality not only to foreign people whom we had met and stayed with us in our country and as well to their own fellow Filipinos too. I will always be proud to say that I am a Filipino where ever I maybe and I will always bring with me this trait of hospitality.

  3. #3
    Junior Member roger1003's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2016


    Hospitality is something that we would not lose as a Filipino. I think it was embedded in us since we were born. We are widely known for our hospitality and this has been a reason why a lot of tourists go to our country. Hospitality is a value that is in our blood for the rest of our lives.

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