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Thread: Baby maker

  1. #1

    Default Baby maker

    If you cannot get pregnant and has been declared barren by the doctor, would you agree to a baby maker so your husband could have a child? I have seen lots of couples who adopt babies just so they would have children or sorts. But none of them is open to the idea of a baby maker even if the baby will be given to them. That is like paying a woman to get pregnant with the husband and when the baby is born, it is registered as the offspring of the husband and wife. The wife would prefer to adopt a baby of unkown parents than to adopt the child of her husband.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Izobel's Avatar
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    I'm also not open to the idea of getting a baby maker. Personally, it simply invades the bond between me and my beau. I don't want anyone to be invading us especially when it comes to having a baby or children. Having a baby is a very personal thing between a couple and having someone conceive from your husband, that's like, adultery with your consent. I know the idea came from the Old Testament, but that was for those sacred family chosen by the Creator. For me, that confines for that period only, not in our time. Our time now, is the time where there are a lot of abandoned babies and children. A lot that you could adopt 10, if your savings and insurance could keep up with their needs and wants. We're pretty much over populated. Due to this, I'd rather adopt a baby from unknown parents, that's way better than letting my conscience haunt me every time I see the child not my own and my hubby.

  3. #3


    It really depends. If my husband really wants to have a child of his own, I think I would consider the help of a baby maker. But if my husband is fine with just adopting a baby, then I would be willing to accept that. As long as I and my husband have somehow agreed into something, and there are no hard feelings between us, I am definitely fine with that.

  4. #4


    We are childless but it never occurred in our minds to adopt a baby much more to get a baby maker. But I guess if my husband would insist on that - you know men have their pride and one of their importance in life is to have a descendant - maybe I would agree without hesitation. I know that my husband loves me very much and I wouldn't be insecure with a baby maker. Besides, getting a baby maker pregnant will be done with artificial insemination. That means there will be no sexual contact with her and my husband. Now, that part is clear and I agree.

  5. #5
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    It may have the same ethical concerns, like finding a surrogate mother for your child.
    Usually there is a strict procedure and a lot of papers to sign, so the biological mother and the parents can choose the relationship between all of them and the child, just like when you are adopting a child that is already born.

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