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Thread: Accepting gifts and favors from a suitor

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  1. #1

    Default Accepting gifts and favors from a suitor

    I have a beautiful cousin who is being courted by an old Chinese businessman who is rich. My cousin prefers younger guys so I was sure that the Chinese has no chance at all. However, I learned that there was a time when my cousin and her family was brought to Baguio City for a 3-day vacation by the Chinese, all expenses-paid from the rented vehicle, food, lodging and anything they would buy. And then what followed were favors from the Chinese in helping the relatives of my cousin – finding a job, school recommendation, etc.

    As of the last I know, my cousin and the Chinese will be married in January as per the invitation of my cousin’s father (my mother’s youngest brother).

  2. #2


    I think it's just fine to accept gifts, and favors from your suitor. However, it's a big no if you're just entertaining this man just because he's rich, and not because you truly like/love him. I think it's quite unfair. As for me though, I have a suitor who has already been courting me for almost 8 months, and he's also fond of giving me gifts. I try to give back to him as well by treating him to dinner, or to the movies sometimes.

  3. #3
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    Mar 2016


    Well it sounds like the businessman really wanted to show your cousin that he loves her. Sometimes older man feel like they have to show their love in the form of money and gifts too.
    But as you said they are gonna be married, i believe the gifts weren't the only thing for your cousin to stay with him.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Benoi's Avatar
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    Mar 2016


    Thеrе is а guy сrаzy аbоut mе .....hе is dеpаrtmеnt mаnаgеr аt my соmpаny аnd hе is mаrriеd guy with 2 kids. Hе kеpt sеnding mе gifts еvеry timе whеn hе саmе bасk frоm businеss trip.

    Thе gift will bе dеlivеrеd tо my dеsk by his sесrеtаry оn his first dаy аrrivеd аt thе оffiсе, I rеаlly саn't dеny аnd I'm аfrаid оf sаying nо tо him. I usеd tо tеll him thаt I dоn't wаnt аny gift frоm him аnymоrе but hе sаid hе lоvеs tо dо it аnd it wаs his rеаl plеаsurе!!!

    I nеvеr tо gеt invоlvеd with а mаrriеd mаn bеfоrе аnd I nеvеr wаntеd tо. Hе nеvеr асtuаlly mаdе а mоvе оn mе thоugh, hе nеvеr аsk mе оut but hе tеxts mе аll thе timе.

    Whаt shоuld I dо оr sаy tо him thаt I dоn't wаnt аny gifts frоm him аnymоrе?

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