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Thread: Do you easily get jealous?

  1. #1

    Default Do you easily get jealous?

    Honestly, I don't consider myself as a jealous woman. I rarely feel threatened about other girls who are getting pretty close with my guy. However, lately, I find myself kind of jealous with other girls my special someone are hanging out with. I know they are just his friends/workmates, but I don't know why, I am pretty worried he might change his mind about pursuing me, and just ditch me with another girl.

  2. #2
    Junior Member Bisler's Avatar
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    Why should you be worried?

    Do you feel love in your heart?

    Isn't that wonderful enough?

    Do you have to "own" your bf?

    Why don't you simply trust in God and let him decide?

    Worrying is a waste of time. What His plans are will happen anyway "Let Thy will be done" - so why worry about something you cannt change anyway.

    Enjoy the time you have with your boyfriend and that will make him feel accepted and at home too. A man will never feel at home and comfortable with a woman that always worries.

    A little (genuine) jealousy can be all right, because it shows him that you care for him, but worrying will have the exact opposite effect and will be a huge turn-off.

  3. #3


    I honestly believe we are still part animal, even though we are human beings we can sense things. Im not a jealous person either, some would even say I'm pretty relaxed when it comes to relationships, but that's just because I don't feel threatened by anybody, I mean it's not like I own somebody and it's being stolen. On the other hand the very few times I have felt jealous or felt the person I'm dating is getting with someone else, HAS BEEN THE CASE. Not everybody is going to get on board for this sixth sense stuff but it has worked for me so far.

  4. #4
    Junior Member naffi93's Avatar
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    I think jealousy can be healthy and it is normal to feel it sometimes.

    But obsessing and being overly jealous and not trusting your partner is a slippery slope. Try to talk about your feelings and remember that trusting is a very foundation of your relationships.

  5. #5


    As much as I would like to admit, I easily get jealous. It's fine when girls talk to my hubby as long as they don't talk about nasty stuffs or flirt. I don't really like it when a girl hangs out with him, especially without my knowledge. It will definitely be WWIII for him and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like that. That's why I always see to it to provide all his needs and show him how much I love him and that he is everything to me, that no one would love him the way I do. I just hope he is satisfied and contented with me, even if I tend to have mood swings oftentimes.

  6. #6
    Junior Member pwarbi's Avatar
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    Jealousy is a pretty common trait in a lot of people, and even those that say they never get jealous do...they just don't like to admit it! I've always been a pretty easy going person, and don't get jealous very easily. As @Jasmin Cottontail says, a lot depends for me just what the nature of the conversation is between your partner and that 3rd person. It's one thing talking about the weather or what they are having for lunch, but if that conversation is more of a flirtatious nature then people are obviously going to become wary and wonder if there's more going on.

    A lot of people say that if you trust your partner then you have no need to be jealous, and while I can see that point of view, for me it's more that I don't trust the other person rather than a partner, and there are a lot of people out there that take great pleasure in splitting couples up. They're the ones you have to watch out for, and it's those people that I don't trust.

  7. #7
    Junior Member Benoi's Avatar
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    Jеаlоusy is а nаturаl еmоtiоn, еspесiаlly in соntеxt tо tоdаy's sосiеtаl struсturе whеrе еvеryоnе is prоgrаmmеd tо bе соmpеtitivе frоm а vеry yоung аgе. Hоw yоu mаnаgе аnd соntrоl thаt jеаlоusy is whаt dеtеrminеs hоw wеll yоu fit intо sосiеty.

  8. #8


    I think there is nothing wrong in being on your guard as far as your man is concerned. If he loves me truly, I wouldn't be insecure about his mindset. This doesn't mean I wouldn't be watchful for opportunistic ladies.

    It is okay to be jealous at times as long as you don't overdo it.

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