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Thread: Do you wear makeup every day?

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  1. #1
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    Default Do you wear makeup every day?

    Wearing makeup can be a hassle- especially if you are wearing it on a day to day basis. Although wearing makeup every day is not suggested, there are many women that wear makeup every day to accentuate their features. Makeup is a wonderful tool for building confidence, being seasonal, and maintaining your creativity.

    Personally, I wear makeup about 5-6 days a week. Majority of the time, I will wear makeup so that I can look professional in my school setting. Going to cosmetology school can be difficult at times, since we have clients in and out of our salon. It is important that we look presentable for our customers.

    Do you wear makeup on a day to day basis?
    How much makeup do you wear throughout the day?
    Do you do touch ups throughout the day?

  2. #2
    Junior Member Roberta's Avatar
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    Jul 2016


    Whеn wе wеаr оur bеst сlоthеs аnd ассеssоriеs еvеrydаy thеn why nоt mаkе up. Hоwеvеr, it is еssеntiаl thаt yоu сlеаn yоur mаkе up еvеrydаy with а mаkе up сlеаnеr аnd dо thе сTM (сlеаnsing, tоning аnd mоisturising) prосеss bеfоrе putting оn yоur mаkе up. аlsо mаkе surе оf thе quаlity аnd еxpiry оf thе prоduсts thаt yоu usе tо аvоid аny skin rеlаtеd rеасtiоns. Stаy prеtty.:)

  3. #3
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    Roberta, you'd be surprised how many people do not clean their makeup tools on a day to day basis. I am guilty of not cleaning once or twice a month, but if I keep my tools dirty, my face becomes clogged and greasy. I love working with makeup and find myself trying all sorts of different techniques. Cleansing and toning have become essential, though I need to purchase new cleanser and toner because I'm running super low. I have resulted in using my shower wash and it's doing a number on my skin.

  4. #4


    I don't wear any make up most of the time since I'm just at home. I only wear them when I go out and it also depends on where will I go. If I'll just go to the grocery or run an errand, I'll probably just wear my BB Cream and some powder and off I go. I usually wear my normal make up if there are special occasions.

  5. #5
    Junior Member ShashaCruz's Avatar
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    May 2017


    i wear lipstick always and eyeshadow occasionally. i have no other make-up

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