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Thread: Is а girl whо wеаrs mаkеup tо imprеss/аttrасt а guy асtuаlly triсking him?

  1. #1
    Junior Member Roberta's Avatar
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    Default Is а girl whо wеаrs mаkеup tо imprеss/аttrасt а guy асtuаlly triсking him?

    Is а girl whо wеаrs mаkеup tо imprеss/аttrасt а guy асtuаlly triсking him?

    Nо diffеrеntly thеn mеn whо wеаr shаrp сlоthеs аnd gеt а niсе hаirсut аnd shаvе/fасе grооming. аnyоnе саn lооk signifiсаntly bеttеr with prоfеssiоnаl hеlp. It's а mаn's сhоiсе whеthеr hе'd prеfеr а nаturаl bеаuty оr nоt. It sееms аs if mоst mеn dоn't knоw thе diffеrеnсе until thе mаkеup соmеs оff.
    Frаnkly. mеn sеldоm сhооsе thе nаturаl bеаuty. Thеy likе hаving а wоmаn lооk pаintеd аnd dоnе fоr thе mоst pаrt аt first. аftеr knоwing hеr fоr а whilе, thеy might еnjоy sееing hеr mussеd. In gеnеrаl, wоmеn rесеivе prаisе fоr аdding things оutsidе thеir nаturаl stаtе tо lооk bеttеr. Mаkеup, nаil pоlish, еxpеnsivе сlоthеs, еxtеnsivе grооming, hаir соlоr аnd сut аrе sееn аs nоrmаl things fоr wоmеn tо dо. If thеy dоn't dо thеsе things, thеy оr оftеn trеаtеd аs mоrе mаsсulinе fоr nоt dоing sо, аs if thеir nаturаl stаtе is nоt inhеrеntly fеmininе.

    Whаt dо yоu think?

  2. #2
    Junior Member nonomous's Avatar
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    A man would have to have a pretty thick skull in order to be deceived by makeup. When women where makeup, it's fairly obvious that they are doing so. If a man cannot tell that a woman is wearing makeup, he may need to take a look at women differently. I don't think it's deceitful to wear makeup. For one, I wear makeup to feel good about myself and be creative. I do not wear makeup to impress men, though I will wear makeup around them. It'd be silly for a man to think I was trying to deceit him because none of this is for him. Makeup is for me, myself, and I.

  3. #3
    Junior Member Lilly's Avatar
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    Not at all. Some men prefer females who have a more natural look and find them just as beautiful as females who wear a lot of makeup. It is just that they may prefer a natural female, or plainer. Whereas some men prefer females who wear a lot of make up and are more groomed.

    Men also can groom themselves and like mostly attracts like. Two people who find each other attractive may not be down to what they look like. Two females and one male, one female wears make up and is well groomed while the other is more natural and plain. Both are beautiful but it is the chemistry that will trigger an attraction between them. The male may find that he has an affinity with the female who goes for the natural look leaving the well groomed female bemused.

    At the end of the day, females take their makeup off and the bare face is shown. Would he fancy her then? It's always a good idea to let a guy see you properly, warts and all.

    I understand what you mean about the natural females being treated as more masculine and it is true, but not fair. These females are more likely to be better homemakers and carers than females who think of themselves and what is about them.

    Men are the same though, they may not wear make up to attract a female, but they can be very well groomed and think of their own looks. These kind of men prefer women who are well groomed rather than a natural look.

  4. #4


    No I don't think so. Girls have this attitude to "always look good" whether they are single or in a relationship. I guess it's simply normal for us to do everything to look as best and as great as we can be, including putting make up or other stuffs that can make us prettier. Guys like girls who takes care of themselves, so I think it's also a plus. However, girls shouldn't overdo it as well, as some guys prefer our natural look and they find us even more beautiful without any make up on :)

  5. #5
    Junior Member ShashaCruz's Avatar
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    i only wear lipstick and sometimes eyeshadow. i feel my body and personality are more impressive than makeup to new men i want

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  6. #6
    Junior Member bajabob11's Avatar
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    Don't like girls with make-up: natural beauty.

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  7. #7
    Junior Member Mr.MumboJumbo's Avatar
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    No, they are not tricking him. As a man, I don't like women who wear makeup. Mostly because they don't know how to use it right. Most women (in my opinion use too much makeup.

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  8. #8
    Junior Member australiana's Avatar
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    Dec 2018


    On dating websites I think there is an element of deception if a girl is heavily made up and quite different to her natural self. Girls should have only minimal make-up in their profile photos.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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